Top 10 Forum Websites and Blogs in the World 2022

A significant component of the internet world nowadays is forums, online communities, and message boards. They develop settings where individuals with similar interests may communicate and work together from all around the world. This article examines the most popular forums on the internet as of 2022.

Top 10 Websites

1. Reddit

Reddit is a website that compiles news from all around the world and offers forums for users to debate and review online material. Only registered users are given access to the website, where they may upload content such as memes, photographs, links, music, and videos to be voted on and ranked. Communities or sub-reddit are created for different themes. It has increased to have more than 500 million active users every month since its start in 2005.

2. Quora

The online community was established in 2009 by two former Facebook workers, and it consists of questions and answers on a range of issues that are accessible to anyone worldwide. It currently has more than 300 million active users each month, and its ubiquity is rising.

3. GitHub

For member material, this serves as an online code repository host. Projects may be shared by members because the platform accepts all file types. Developers may work together on projects and improve the environment by suggesting new features and cooperating. It is presently owned by Microsoft and has more than 65 million software developers.

4. Imgur

Imgur is a website for sharing photographs that was first launched in 2009 and first included memes and pictures that were popular on Reddit. More than 150 million individuals use the website for hosting and sharing images, which has a monthly audience of 250 million. Subscribers to the website can access the billions of photographs housed there without being interrupted by advertisements.

5. StackOverFlow and StackExchange

The website, which began as a forum for software developers in 2008, enables users to ask questions about software development other STEM-related topics and receive responses from enthusiasts and experts from across the world. Voting can be done on submitted answers based on how effective they are. The website, which has more than 50 million members, provides quality by screening uploaded queries to make sure they are specifically programming-based and accurate. Those who don't fit the bill are turned away.

6. Discord

Given their internet presence, gamers are increasingly well-known and popular. Discord is a platform for online communities that enables players to communicate in real time. More than 250 million users have enrolled on the network, and it counts more than 15 million daily logins.

7. Medium

Long pieces may be posted to Medium, which has more than 60 million active users each month. One may easily direct their followers to view their published works by linking their social media accounts to the site.

8. Steam

Users may upload lengthy pieces for readers to read on Medium, which has more than 60 million active monthly users. Being able to connect one's social media accounts to the platform allows one to effortlessly direct their followers to view their published works.

9. Archive of our Own

Fan stories and other fan works are collected in the nonprofit archive of our own. Users may establish accounts, upload their work, and submit information to the website, which was created in 2008. They may import or bookmark other works, participate in challenges, and make collections. Subgroups within that group are made up of people with related interests. More than 2.5 million people who have registered and posted billions of pieces of work on the site.

10. IGN Boards

Imagine Games Network is referred to by the acronym IGN Boards. It is a huge online community including forums for gaming, entertainment, sports, and other niche interests like cooking, dating, space exploration, and pets. More than 229 million of its active users are present on other pages as well.
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